Providenciales National Parks & Protected Areas
The island of Providenciales is home to eight protected areas: three national parks, three nature reserves, and two protected historical sites. About half of the coast of Providenciales is under the protection of either a national park or a nature reserve.
National Parks, Nature Reserves, and Historical Sites do have varying degrees and types of protections, but taking or harming any animal, plant, historical item, or natural feature is generally prohibited from all protected areas. This would include fishing and shell collecting.
Although not protected in any way under the law, several other sites on Providenciales deserve either National Park or Nature Reserve status. Examples include The Hole and surrounding limestone formations in Long Bay and the partially collapsed giant sinkhole and cave near the airport (home to the majority of the island’s bats).
Another example was the many extremely scenic sinkholes and small caves near Cooper Jack Bay Beach (probably the best location on the island for showing off features of the Karst process of dissolution), however, the Government approved the bulldozing and destruction of this site to make way for a residential development.
Tourism and Use of the National Parks
Unfortunately, many of the protected areas on Providenciales rarely experience visits from locals, let alone tourists. The primary reason for this is lack of access, however, limited knowledge and crime concerns also play a part.
When many of the protected areas in the Turks and Caicos were designated in the early 1990s, an excellent job was done on Providenciales identifying and selecting the varied and unique ecosystems and terrains to preserve. Areas such as the Frenchman’s Creek and Pigeon Pond Nature Reserve reflect this fact, where an impressive diversity of landscapes can be seen.
Largely because the world-famous Grace Bay Beach is included in the region, Princess Alexandra National Park and the smaller nature reserve within it sees by far the most usage and appreciation of any protected area in the Turks and Caicos.
Basic Guidelines and Regulations
Strict regulations apply in all of the protected areas on Providenciales. Here are the most important regulations that are applicable in all protected areas:
- A 15 mph (24 km/h) speed limit for power vessels is applicable in the protected area waters.
- It is illegal to take any natural item or historical artifact. This includes seashells, animals, plants and flowers, coral, and sand.
- It is illegal to harm or harass any wild animals or plants.
- It is illegal to harm or damage any historical or natural feature.
- Fishing and the collecting of conch and lobster is illegal and punishable by fines and/or imprisonment.
- Open fires are prohibited.
- No driving of any type of vehicle off of designated paths.
- To camp in a protected area, written approval from the Director of the Department of Environment and Maritime Affairs (DEMA) is necessary.
- As anywhere in the Turks and Caicos, littering and vandalism is against the law and punishable by fines and/or imprisonment.
For information on obtaining camping or fishing licenses, contact the National Environmental Centre.
For information on the environment, conservation, and threats, see Environmental Conservation.
National Parks, Nature Reserves, and Protected Areas