Turks and Caicos Wedding License & Legal Requirements
The Turks and Caicos is a popular choice for couples choosing a destination wedding. It’s recommended that you use the services of a wedding planner to ensure that everything goes right and keep your Caribbean wedding hassle-free.
Marriage License Requirements
The following are the requirements for obtaining a marriage license and getting married in the Turks and Caicos:
- Valid Passport
- Original Birth Certificate
- Both parties must be present in the Turks and Caicos Islands for at least 24 hours before the license application can be made. The ceremony can take place 48 hours after the license is granted.
- Proof of marital status.
- If Single - Sworn affidavit is required stating this from the applicant’s home country.
- If Divorcee - Divorce Decree, either original or notarized copy sealed by a Court Clerk.
- If Widow/Widower - Death certificate, either an original or notarized copy.
- In the case of a name change, either Deed Poll or adoption papers.
- If either party is under 21 years of age, the consent of both parents or guardians is required, in the form of an affidavit stamped by a Notary Public.
- The marriage cannot be within the prohibited degree of relationship. Cousin marriage is not prohibited.
- Letters stating occupation, marital status, age as of last birthday, present address, and father’s full name.
- For church weddings, some ministers may require proof of membership.
- The parties must produce evidence of arrival date in the Islands, usually in the form of a passport stamp.
- A license fee of $250.
A blood test is not necessary. Any documents not in English must be translated and notarized by the applicable consulate.
The license must be obtained from the Registrar’s Office before the ceremony can take place. If you have any questions, call the Registrar’s Office in Providenciales for more information.

Cruise Ships Guests
Cruise ship guests are exempt from the residency requirement, and can obtain a license on the day, for the same day. This fee is $250 instead of $100. However, be advised that arrangements need to be made well in advance.
Additional Requirements
The following are additional requirements:
- You must have two witnesses (other than the marriage officer) present.
- You need a local Minister or Justice of the Peace. For example, you cannot have someone ordained from an online church marry you in the Turks and Caicos.
The Ceremony
The marriage ceremony can be conducted by a Minister or Justice of the Peace (the Marriage Officer), at a place of your choosing (whether in a local church, hotel or resort, private vacation villa, or right on one of our many beautiful beaches).
For those of the Christian faith, there’s a wide range of local pastors who can officiate, covering the most common denominations. For those of the Jewish faith, a local branch of Chabad Lubavitch hosts a visiting rabbi.
To obtain a copy of your marriage certificate, you will need to inform your marriage officer and complete the necessary forms. A copy will then be sent to your home address.
There is no provision for marriages to be registered in the person’s home country, as records are kept in the Turks and Caicos Islands.